Samsung Note 7 confirmed the launch of the new black technology - iris recognition, patented with three cameras, will lead the iris recognition to open the consumer market. Samsung has pushed the latest TouchWiz UX system to the Galaxy Note 5 test users in China, the United States and South Korea, and has the option of iris recognition. Samsung Note 7's iris recognition technology has been confirmed by Korean image technology manufacturer Patron. Samsung submitted an iris recognition patent to the US Patent and Trademark Office, and three cameras provide accurate iris recognition. We conclude that Samsung will soon be equipped with iris recognition in Note 7, and will lead the iris recognition technology to open a breakthrough in the consumer market. With its advantages in security, convenience and user experience, it will quickly gain recognition in the consumer market. . Iris recognition has significant advantages over other biometric technologies. Compared with the current popular fingerprint recognition and face recognition, iris recognition has an absolute advantage in comprehensive safety performance such as accuracy, stability, reproducibility and living body detection. According to Wikipedia, iris measurement technology can read 266 feature points, while other biometric techniques can only read 13-60 feature points, so the accuracy of iris recognition is the highest among various biometrics. Iris recognition is about to cross the technology node, and it will be applied on a large scale. Iris recognition has not been widely used mainly in three major challenges: recognition algorithms, Internet-based security solutions and the ecological construction of iris payments. Nowadays, the algorithm of iris algorithm technology has become mature, and the camera module and infrared LED module provide mature hardware foundation for iris recognition. In terms of solutions and ecosystems, with the launch of giant products, under the guidance of the flagship model benchmark, there will be an accelerated trend. The iris recognition has a broad prospect and a huge space, and the growth rate ranks first in the biometric market segment. Iris recognition has been used in finance, medical, security, security and other fields. In the past few years, the global biometrics market has grown at an average annual growth rate of 20.1%. It is estimated that by 2020, the total market size will reach 25 billion US dollars. According to the prediction of Acuity, the US think tank, iris recognition technology will account for the global market share of biometric identification, which will increase from 7% in 2015 to 16% in 2020. The total output value in 2020 will reach 3.5 billion US dollars, corresponding to a compound annual increase. The speed is 36.6%. Industry “overweight†rating, focusing on competitive enterprises. The iris recognition upstream industry chain is mainly composed of three parts: algorithm and software, infrared LED and camera module. Wuxi Motian Signage Co., Ltd ,