(Original title: Apple wins a German eye tracking lens manufacturer to develop AR technology) [NetEase smart news June 27 news] According to foreign media reports, informed sources, Apple has acquired a German eye tracking lens manufacturer SensoMotoric Instruments, the company's hardware is currently used for augmented reality applications, early childhood autism Detection, brain mapping and neurology, vision science, psychology, physical activity, etc. Apple wins a German eye tracking lens manufacturer to develop AR technology Regarding the acquisition, Apple euphemistically confirmed that "Apple sometimes buys smaller technology companies, and we usually don't discuss about the acquisition purpose or plan. SensoMotoric Instruments current technology can track and record the real-time images of the wearer of glasses, up to 120 times per second. This technique can reduce input delays, and it can reduce motion errors when the sensory motion does not match the viewing angle. The company is headquartered in Teltow, Germany and has a satellite office in Boston. The terms of this transaction, as well as the identity of the company’s current employees, are not yet known. It is understood that Apple’s vice president of legal affairs, on behalf of Delaware's Vineyard Capital Corporation, has granted the power of a German law firm to act as a law firm. Subsequently, the company purchased Senso Motoric Instruments on June 16. At this year's WWDC, Apple also launched ARKit, an AR (Augmented Reality) platform that allows developers to develop AR experiences around Apple devices. ARKit will support iPhone 6s and newer products, iPad Pro and newer products. (open air) 4 Phase Stepper Motors have been widely used in: X -Y plotters, CNC machines, sewing machines, ATMs, ticket machines, postal sorters, laboratory systems ,medical equipment, peripheral computer equipment`s,communication through laser and satellites, nuclear techniques, industrial robots, aeronautical and military equipment, etc. 4 phase stepper motor,4 pole stepper motor,Four phase stepper motor,4 phase unipolar stepper motor,Stepper motor with 5 wires Shenzhen Maintex Intelligent Control Co., Ltd. , https://www.maintexmotor.com燑br>