Recently, The Venture Reality Fund, which specializes in VR/AR investments, released an AR company map for the second quarter of 2017. It shows that there are 150 companies specializing in AR technology. The VR Fund said that in the past they had raised 50 million US dollars to invest in VR/AR startups. In the second quarter, compared with the first quarter, the number of companies focusing on AR increased by 60%. Tipatat Chennavasin, co-founder and general manager of the fund, said that in the past quarter, major players in the AR industry, including Facebook and Apple, have made major moves. These actions immediately led to a substantial increase in the activities of AR developers. Wide coverage. These actions reflect the growing interest in AR, driven primarily by equipment infrastructure and software development tools. The VR Fund evaluated 2,000 companies and selected companies that meet certain criteria for funding, revenue, mainstream coverage or major partnerships. In the second quarter, the company was the strongest in terms of equipment infrastructure and SDK tool development, indicating that AR is still an evolving industry. Chennavasin said that these efforts help promote the use of AR by consumers and businesses. Microsoft HoloLens and Google Tango laid the foundation for AR, and despite the limited sales of development kits, they educated the market. It is expected that Microsoft and Google’s AR platform will further advance in the near future to deal with Apple’s ARKit. Google Tango's technology has been proven to provide users with a good experience, but the existing decentralization of the Android ecosystem has made Tango's rapid development and wider adoption an obstacle. The launch of the Facebook camera platform and Apple's ARKit has inspired AR's corporate activities and increased everyone's attention to AR, especially consumer-related applications. Early developers stated that Apple is becoming a major force in the AR platform war.
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