Fujitsu Semiconductor's embedded FRAM RFID products are relatively new compared to their single FRAM products, and the RFID products commonly used in the market are embedded in EEPROM. Compared to embedded EEPROM RFID products, embedded FRAM RFID reads and writes much faster, and its radiation resistance is more than an order of magnitude higher than EEPROM. FRAM RFID vs EEPROM RFIDFRAM RFID is ideal for data storage RFID applications. FRAM RFID data write time is very fast. For example, to write 16-bit data, RFID using EEPROM takes 6msec, while RFID using FRAM only needs 100usec. FRAM RFID data write distance is close to its read distance. For example, the data read/write distance of MB97R803A (TAGAT 7500: On-Metal tag) is very small. FRAM RFID is resistant to gamma radiation. There are many places in the United States and Europe that come into contact with medical devices. They need to be gamma-sterilized and FRAM is highly resistant to radiation. FRAM-based RFID can easily pass standard medical sterilization processes, and EEPROM-based RFID can be corrupted during this process. FRAM RFID product line Fujitsu Semiconductor has developed FRAM RFID products for a wide range of applications, covering industrial, medical, aerospace and automotive applications. gree ,