In-ear earphones, also known as ear canal earphones and in-ear earplugs, are earphones used inside the human hearing organs. According to their design, they will seal the user's ear canal during use. Advantages of in-ear 1. Reduce the interference of external noise to listening music, that is, you can enjoy music at a relatively low volume without affecting it in noisy environments; 2. Realize the most intimate contact with the ear, greatly reducing the sound leakage. This benefit has two directions of utilization, namely increasing the texture and quantity of low frequencies, and increasing the performance of music details. At present, low-end in-ear earplugs are mostly used to increase the texture and volume of low-frequency, while high-end in-ear earplugs are used to increase the performance of music details. Disadvantages of in-ear 1. For some people, wearing in-ear earplugs is a painful thing, not suitable for ears with otitis media; 2. The use of in-ear earplugs may scratch the ear canal; 3. It is used by many people; it is easy to cross-infect certain germs; 4. The sounding principle is unnatural (sounding through the small duct in the ear canal). Oem Power Transformer,Power Control Transformer,Power Transformer Oem,Audio Transformer Oem Guang Er Zhong(Zhaoqing)Electronics Co., Ltd ,