/************************************************* *********** * Processer : MICroChip PIC12C508 * * Compiler : Hi-TECH PICC 8.00 PL2 * * Writer : Jason Kuo * * DescripTIon : It CAN read/write 93LC46 (64 x 16-bit organizaTIon) * ************************************************** ***********/ staTIc volaTIle unsigned char RTCC @ 0x01; Static volatile unsigned char TMR0 @ 0x01; Static volatile unsigned char PCL @ 0x02; Static volatile unsigned char STATUS @ 0x03; Static unsigned char FSR @ 0x04; Static volatile unsigned char OSCCAL @ 0x05; Static volatile unsigned char GPIO @ 0x06; Static unsigned char control OPTION @ 0x00; Static volatile unsigned char control TRIS @ 0x06; /* STATUS bits */ Static bit GPWUF @ (unsigned)&STATUS*8+7; Static bit PA0 @ (unsigned)&STATUS*8+5; Static bit TO @ @unsigned)&STATUS*8+4; Static bit PD @ (unsigned)&STATUS*8+3; Static bit ZERO @ (unsigned)&STATUS*8+2; Static bit DC @ (unsigned)&STATUS*8+1; Static bit CARRY @ (unsigned)&STATUS*8+0; /* OPTION bits */ #define GPWU (1 "7) #define GPPU (1 "6) #define T0CS (1 "5" #define T0SE (1 "4" #define PSA (1 "3" #define PS2 (1 "2" #define PS1 (1 "1" #define PS0 (1 "0" /* OSCCAL bits */ Static volatile bit CAL3 @ (unsigned)&OSCCAL*8+7; Static volatile bit CAL2 @ (unsigned)&OSCCAL*8+6; Static volatile bit CAL1 @ (unsigned)&OSCCAL*8+5; Static volatile bit CAL0 @ (unsigned)&OSCCAL*8+4; Static volatile bit GP5 @ (unsigned)&GPIO*8+5; Static volatile bit GP4 @ (unsigned)&GPIO*8+4; Static volatile bit GP3 ​​@ (unsigned)&GPIO*8+3; Static volatile bit GP2 @ (unsigned)&GPIO*8+2; Static volatile bit GP1 @ (unsigned)&GPIO*8+1; Static volatile bit GP0 @ (unsigned)&GPIO*8+0; #define CONFIG_ADDR 0xFFF /* code protection */ #define MCLREN 0xFFFF // memory clear enable #define MCLRDIS 0xFFEF // memory clear dISAble /*watchdog*/ #define WDTEN 0xFFFF // watchdog timer enable #define WDTDIS 0xFFFB // watchdog timer disable /* code protection */ #define PROTECT 0xFFF7 // protect the program code #define UNPROTECT 0xFFFF // do not protect the program code /*osc configurations*/ #define EXTRC 0xFFFF // external resistor/caPACitor #define INTRC 0xFFFE // internal #define XT 0xFFFD // crystal/resonator #define LP 0xFFFC // low power crystal/resonator /* 93LC46 I/O PIN define */ #define CS GP0 //Chip Select #define CLK GP1 //Serial Data CLOCk #define DI GP2 //Serial Data Input #define DO GP4 //Serial Data Output Void Delay(unsigned int counter); Void Pulse(void); Void StartBit(void); Void EWEN(void); Void EWDS(void); Extern void Write93LC46(unsigned char Offset_Addr, unsigned int tx_data); Extern unsigned int Read93LC46(unsigned char Offset_Addr); Void InitPIC(void); #define CLRWDT() asm(" clrwdt") #define SLEEP() asm("sleep") #define ___mkstr1(x) #x #define ___mkstr(x) ___mkstr1(x) #define __CONFIG(x) asm("tpsect config,class=CONFIG,delta=2"); Asm("tglobaltconfig_word"); Asm("config_word"); Asm("tdw â€___mkstr(x)) #define __IDLOC(w) asm("tpsect idloc,class=IDLOC,delta=2"); Asm("tglobaltidloc_word"); Asm("idloc_word"); Asm("tirpct__arg," ___mkstr(w)); Asm("tdw 0&__arg&h"); Asm("tendm") __CONFIG(MCLRDIS & WDTDIS & EXTRC & PROTECT); /*------------------------------------------------ ---- Function : Delay Input : unsigned int (counter) Output : None Description : Delay routine If counter=1 delay 35us , if counter=10 delay 134us, If counter=100 delay 1.12ms, These delay is base on internal 4MHz -------------------------------------------------- ----*/ Void Delay(unsigned int counter) { While(counter》0) counter--; } /*------------------------------------------------ ---- Function : Pulse Input : None Output : None Description : Send a pulse (10) to Serial Data Clock(CLK) -------------------------------------------------- ----*/ Void Pulse(void) { CLK = 1; Delay(25); CLK = 0; }
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