Synopsis: This drama revolves around a group of junior high school students who have reunited with their classmates for 30 years. One housewife who is now an ordinary supporter of ordinary husbands, one is a criminal police officer with a wife, one is a fashion hipster about to divorce, and the other is a man with a capable entrepreneur wife. This group of protagonists formed this "classmate." So what kind of storm will the four mature men and women meet today? Of course, they are already young in their 40s and it is not so easy to cross that moral boundary. They are even more useless than teenagers. This is a group of... Users using smart TVs or TV boxes can watch the "Student Club" through the sofa butler. You can download "Mango TV", "IQI TV Edition" and other video on demand applications for free at the smart TV or TV box through the sofa butler. The sofa butler integrates a large number of video applications in the market and can install or update these applications in one click, achieving the purpose of viewing the "students" conveniently. Sofa butler installation address: