Tencent Digital (Wang John) Samsung recently released the new Gear S3 smart watch. As an upgraded model of the Gear S2, the new Gear S3 has two models, the Frontier version and the Classic version, both of which are larger than the previous generation Gear S2. Some of them not only have larger displays, but also have higher battery capacities and are more functional than previous generations of products. Var related_video_info = { vid: 'l03253yerx4', cid: '', url: 'http://v.qq.com/page/l/x/4/l03253yerx4.html', pic: 'http://vpic. Video.qq.com/4285288817/l03253yerx4_ori_1.jpg', title: 'Samsung Gear S3 Get Started: Can be used alone from your phone! 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Although the two versions of the S3 belong to the same model, they have their own characteristics. It is the Samsung Smart Watch that has been upgraded to a new height. Perhaps in the near future, these two versions will form a certain degree of competition. Design and screen The first time you saw the Gear S3 Classic smart watch, the first impression was that it was a bit larger than the previous version of the S2. A closer look at the parameters found that the new Gear S3 was 1.3 inches in size, while the previous generation Gear S2 was 1.2 inches in size. The same Super AMOLED technology was used for the screens of the two generations of smart watches. Even the resolution of the two generations of watches is the same, all are 360×360, but due to different screen sizes, the PPI of the two watches will inevitably be a little different, although the company has not released the PPI of smart watches yet. parameter. In any case, the appearance of this watch is very beautiful, we tried to experience the next function, and found that its operation is still somewhat different than other smart watches. Samsung explained to us that the new watch improved the magnetic fittings in the ring dial, giving it a better feel. Although the dial has been increased in size, it is more comfortable to operate than the previous generation. The new watch maintains the same design as the previous generation, but uses a silver outer frame instead of the black outer frame. There are two crowns on the side of the watch, but they are not able to rotate, just two push buttons. So how old is the new watch compared to the previous generation S2? The Gear S3 Classic measures 46 x 49 x 12.9 mm, which means that the new watch is 3 mm wider than the previous generation and its thickness is also increased by 1 mm. The weight has also increased from 42 grams in the previous generation to 57 grams. Seeing these comparative data, you can already feel the difference in the size of the two generations of watches compared to you. After the release of the new watch, Samsung did not stop the shipment of the previous-generation S2 smart watch. Instead, it adopted a price-reduction sale method to clean up the S2 inventory. This did not give consumers more choice. If someone asks the editors which one they usually choose, the answer will probably be the previous generation because the older generation is smaller and lighter. However, Gear S3 also has one of the most attractive features, the display is always on (AOD), and the watch's display light function is different from the products seen in the past. We learned that Samsung has been committed to using 768M of memory and is able to push information to the constant-light screen. This requires that the constant display is more than just colored. To be precise, it has 16 million colors to choose from, but Can only be used for the current time. Seeing this function, we also hope that Samsung's competitors will try hard to catch up, the sooner the better, because Samsung has solved the problem of smart watch automatic closing screen. Overall, the new watch is slightly heavier in size and weight than its predecessor, and is a bit rough on the wrist, but the increase in size also leads to bigger and better screens, in addition to easier operation. Rotate the dial and the larger capacity battery. More features require more battery power Obviously, adding these fancy screen features will consume more power, and Samsung has apparently overcome this deficiency. The Gear S3 has a built-in 380mAh battery, which can last up to 3-4 days in normal use. Compared with the official standby time of the previous generation of watches, the S3 has a great improvement compared to the official standby time of 2-3 days. What's more than the extra battery life that makes you feel more colorful? This time, in addition to the sensors of last year's previous generation, the Samsung Smart Watch also added altimeters and speedometers to make the new watch's motion tracking function more complete. These sensors can help record your personal habits and can now record sleep again. Most importantly, the Gear S3 can be used as a mobile phone speaker after pairing with a mobile phone, and can also receive calls through a smart watch. In addition, the Gear S3 can play streaming music over the wireless network (Frontier can also be played over LTE networks), allowing the Spotify App to be installed on the watch's Tizen 2.3.2 operating system. Finally, we also learned that Samsung is testing the Gear S3's navigation and interactive features of Gear VR glasses. They are trying to operate the navigation menu of Gear VR glasses through the dial of the watch. The basic operation is achieved by clicking on the watch screen. However, this function is still in the initial testing stage. Other advantages Gear S3 has a built-in 1GHz dual-core processor, but Samsung has not announced the specific model of the processor, the memory is increased to 768M, the storage space still maintains 4GB, the watch screen is covered with Corning Gorilla Glass, and also has Bluetooth 4.2, Wi -Wireless connection functions such as Fib/g/n, NFC and GPS. On the sensor side, in addition to accelerometers, gyroscopes, barometers, heart rate sensors and ambient light sensors, altimeters and speedometers have been added. Finally, the Gear S3 still achieved IP68's dust-proof and waterproof rating, which can be used at extreme temperatures. It can be compatible with smartphones using an Android 4.4 or higher operating system, preferably with more than 1.5GB of memory. Like the previous generation, the Gear S3 can use any 22mm wide wristband. Currently, some wristbands designed by designer Arik Levy are ready to go on sale. However, Samsung did not disclose the price and details of the product before the press release. . Early judgment The Gear S3 Classic is a major evolution of Samsung's flagship smartwatch, adding size, battery capacity and functionality. But with the increase in size, it also reduces its appeal as a fashion product. Traditional experience tells us that the smaller it is, the more popular it is. Closer to home, the Gear S3 Classic has gone beyond the boundaries between functionality and appearance. Even though the design is more stylish and features are increasing, the success of this watch depends on the individual preferences of consumers. One thing is for sure, Samsung has finally found the core idea of ​​smart watch upgrade, perhaps in September next year you will see a more perfect product. However, for now, the Gear S3 Classic is one of the most beautiful and powerful smart watches in the world. We can't wait to put it in the hands of a detailed evaluation. Advantages: Dynamic, always-on display; more feature-rich; larger screen; greater battery capacity Disadvantages: Slightly cumbersome for some users. Source: techradar .wxdigi { padding:20px 0; border-top: 1px dotted DBDBDB; } .wxdigi dt { display:inline; float:center; margin-right:17px; } .wxdigi dd strong { display:inline-block; padding-top :0px; color:414141; font-size:14px; } .wxdigi dd { font-size:14px; color:606060; }
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