The computer is going to retire, how can the cattle be reused?

The current technology is developing very fast. This year's powerful graphics card may not be able to run the next year's popular apps with the highest settings. If you want to keep up with the trend of computer technology development, replacement parts, even the whole machine is necessary. Of course, this makes how to deal with old computer accessories becomes an important issue. Most people have limited storage space, which means that users are drowning in old computer accessories just a matter of time.

A large number of old computer accessories is a heavy burden for the individual, but if handled improperly, it will bring huge environmental costs. Abandoned electronics, often referred to as e-waste, is one of the most pressing environmental issues of the 21st century. The US Environmental Protection Agency issued a report saying that in 2013, 1.87 million tons of discarded electronic products. If a large amount of e-waste is not scary enough, the chemical structure makes these e-wastes particularly harmful. Electronic products usually contain elements such as lead, mercury, nickel, and cadmium, which can cause environmental hazards if not handled properly.

According to the Digital Trends website, one of the secrets of e-waste is that it does not have to be considered junk. Many of the hardware that was thrown away and will be buried can still be used. Old computer accessories can't be thrown away. From an ecological point of view, a responsible approach is to reuse them. There are several ways to reuse old hardware, all of which help to alleviate the growing problem of e-waste.

Old hardware new use

Although users may want to configure the most powerful hardware for their computers, there is no reason not to use replacement parts. Abandonment does not mean that it is broken. As long as users use more ideas, idle accessories can also play a big role. If there are a lot of spare parts, the user can use a computer with a low configuration to use as a home file server. A practical home file server does not require high-end accessories, but provides plenty of file storage for users to store data. Almost all accessories can be found in use. For example, with just one hard drive box, users can use the internal hard drive as an external hard drive.

Digital Trends said that if you really want to be more creative, users' reuse of old accessories is not limited to using them in computers. For example, an old fan can be retrofitted into an air filter. Then "crazy", users can use old accessories to make crafts or DIY projects, such as transforming an old display into a digital photo frame. With a little creativity and aesthetic awareness, users can use old accessories to create furniture and household items with a network of punk.

Is the computer going to retire? Let it play the heat

Of course, not everyone has the time and willingness to make crafts using old computer accessories. This is not a problem at all, and there are enough people and organizations to find a place for old computer accessories. There is a security issue that needs to be resolved before sending the computer out.

Clear data on your hard drive

If you want to eliminate your computer, it is important to first erase the data on your hard drive. In addition to movies, music, games, and photos, sensitive personal information may be stored on the user's hard drive. Don't think that deleting a file is enough. Traces of data still exist on the hard disk, and users who are knowledgeable can recover the data. Identity thieves are a common and profitable behavior, so don't risk anyone else getting your sensitive data.

For Windows PCs, Microsoft-certified professionals can erase data on the hard drive. They are professionals and have passed Microsoft certification, and users can trust them to do the job without stealing user data.

For Mac computers, Apple's recycling program includes clearing hard drive data. Apple technicians will first completely erase the data on the old Mac that the user returned, and then let it go to the next program.

According to Digital Trends, users who want to personally erase the data on the hard disk can use the relevant software to accomplish this task. The principle of data cleansing software is to cover each data bit on the hard disk with 0 and 1. The recommended standard for clearing data comes from the NaTIonal Industrial Security Program OperaTIng Manual, which is required by the US Department of Defense. It requires three writes of data to the hard disk, but users can increase the number of writes.

Although there are enough software claims to completely erase the data on the hard disk, some of which are free software, they differ in actual performance and security. When trying this type of software, users need to make the best judgments and keep in mind the standards of the Department of Defense. After all, who doesn't trust the government in clearing data, who else can you trust?

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