The spectrum analyzer can also be used to measure time domain or modulation domain characteristics. The easiest way to measure these characteristics is to stop the frequency analyzer's frequency sweep (for example, set the measurement width to 0 Hz) and set the appropriate center frequency and RBW width to be sufficient to contain the signal of interest. At this time, the X axis of the analyzer is in units of time, and the "zero span" measurement trace result is an envelope of the radio frequency signal, that is, an AM demodulation measurement result or a trigger pulse power information of the radio frequency signal. By using similar settings and biasing the center frequency of the analyzer, the signal of interest can be placed on the skirt of the RBW filter for FM demodulation measurements. These techniques are usually very effective, but can be very cumbersome (for example, the setup and interpretation process is complicated), inaccurate, and limited in flexibility. Therefore, in order to meet the requirements of modern communication systems, a better integrated signal analysis method is needed. Using this new comprehensive analysis method, the analytical instrument can be used as a high-performance spectrum analyzer solution, providing an easy-to-use user interface, and can be easily and quickly converted to a full-featured vector signal analyzer according to the designer's needs. . Many of today's signals are modulated by radio frequency pulses or complex modulated signals. Over the past 15 to 20 years, this trend has become more apparent with the rapid development of digital communication technologies. Signal analyzers have also shown corresponding trends: The Vector Signal Analyzer (VSA) came out and developed rapidly. It combines time domain and frequency domain capabilities with a complete spectrum analysis function based on time selection (eg time gate concept). Digital modulation analysis of general and specific formats (specific standards) using vector signal analyzers. The VSA is an ideal platform for such analysis. In a general-purpose spectrum analyzer, a standard digital modulation analysis is added in the form of optional software. Although the VSA is an ideal tool for analyzing modern signals, its operating steps are more complex than traditional spectrum analyzers. Especially when performing traditional spectrum measurements, the newly added capabilities of the VSA may increase the added capacity of the operation, which may increase the complexity of the operation. The last trend described above provides a good solution when user requirements are limited to basic spectrum analysis and standards-based demodulation. For modern signal analysis applications, the new Agilent MXA signal analyzer is the foundation for many options. The new signal analyzer can be configured as a traditional spectrum analyzer with the ease of use that RF engineers expect and the full performance that a spectrum analyzer should have. For applications requiring omnidirectional vector signal analysis, users of the MXA signal analyzer can immediately convert it into a vector signal analyzer with the optional Agilent 89600 vector signal analysis software. The application provides complete vector analysis capabilities, including flexible time gating measurements of spectrum, occupied bandwidth, CCDF, and signal power (see Figure 1). Agilent's 89600 VSA software provides accurate demodulation of analog signals AM/FM/PM while providing options for modulation analysis of a variety of general purpose digital modulated signals and specific standard signals. For tasks such as design verification in standards-based digital modulation applications such as W-CDMA or WiMAX-mobile OFDMA, Agilent MXA provides built-in measurement applications. These standards-based measurement features make it easy to set and measure important metrics in the standard, making it a simpler alternative to the 89600 VSA software's comprehensive vector signal analysis. These quick, easy mode (or application) changes allow engineers to optimize measurement capabilities and ease of use. It also enables them to quickly configure signal analyzers to meet the signal analysis requirements that may be encountered. Figure 2 shows a display of an MXA signal analyzer for switching between measurement modes. Agilent's new MXA signal analyzer offers a new integrated approach that adds vector signal analysis and digital demodulation to current traditional spectrum analysis. In this way, it will help the industry to further develop, eliminating the need for spectrum analysis and vector demodulation as two separate tasks, enabling designers to efficiently perform both tasks simultaneously in their daily work. Car Phone Holder,Mobile Holder For Cars,Mobile Phone Holder For Dashboard,Mobile Phone Holder For Car Dashboard Ningbo Luke Automotive Supplies Ltd. , The traditional spectrum analyzer is a scalar measuring device that mainly displays a graph of scalar value (signal amplitude) as a function of frequency. The most common measurement is the measurement of the signal power and frequency of spectral components such as harmonics, intermodulation, and spurious signals. The power to frequency ratio can be integrated or corrected based on the resolution bandwidth (RBW) to produce noise power (and phase noise), band power, adjacent channel power, and occupied bandwidth.