Command: cat The cat command is used to connect files and print them to a standard output device. Use rights All users Syntax format Cat [-AbeEnstTuv] [--help] [--version] fileName Parameter Description -n or --number: Number of lines for all outputs starting with 1. -b or --number-nonblank: Similar to -n except that blank lines are not numbered. -s or --squeeze-blank: When a blank line with more than two consecutive lines is encountered, it is replaced by a blank line of one line. -v or --show-nonprinting: Use the ^ and M- symbols, except for LFD and TAB. -E or --show-ends : Display $ at the end of each line. -T or --show-tabs: Display TAB characters as ^I. -e : Equivalent to -vE. -A, --show-all: Equivalent to -vET. -e: Equivalent to the "-vE" option; -t: is equivalent to the "-vT" option; Instance Add the line number of the textfile1 document to the textfile2 file: Cat -n textfile1 > textfile2 Append the contents of textfile1 and textfile2 to the textfile3 document by adding the line number (the blank line is not added): Cat -b textfile1 textfile2 >> textfile3 Empty the contents of /etc/test.txt: Cat /dev/null > /etc/test.txt Cat can also be used to make image files. For example, to make an image file of a floppy disk, put the floppy disk and input it: Cat /dev/fd0 > OUTFILE Conversely, if you want to write the image file to a floppy disk, type: Cat IMG_FILE > /dev/fd0 Note: OUTFILE refers to the image file name of the output. IMG_FILE refers to the image file. If you write back to the device from the image file, the device capacity must be equal. Usually used to make boot disk. Command: chattr The Linux chattr command is used to change file attributes. This command changes the file or directory attributes stored on the ext2 file system. These attributes have the following eight modes: Make the file or directory for additional use only. The last access time of the file or directory is not updated. Compress the file or directory and store it. Exclude files or directories from being dumped. Do not arbitrarily change files or directories. Confidentially delete files or directories. Instantly update files or directories. Prevent accidental deletion. Syntax format Chattr [-RV][-v<version number>][+/-/=<property>][file or directory...] Parameter Description -R Recursive processing, processing all files and subdirectories under the specified directory together. -v<version number> Sets the file or directory version. -V Displays the instruction execution process. +<attribute> Open this property of the file or directory. -<attribute> Closes the property of the file or directory. =<attribute> Specifies the property of this file or directory. Instance Use the chattr command to prevent a critical file from being modified in the system: Chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf Lsattr /etc/resolv.conf Will display the following properties ----i-------- /etc/resolv.conf Let a file only add data to it, but it cannot be deleted. It is suitable for various log files: Chattr +a /var/log/messages Command: chgrp The Linux chgrp command is used to change the group to which a file or directory belongs. In the UNIX system family, the control of file or directory permissions is managed by the owner and the group to which they belong. You can use the chgrp command to change the group to which the files and directories belong. The setting method can be either group name or group ID. Syntax format Chgrp [-cfhRv][--help][--version][group][file or directory...] or chgrp [-cfhRv][--help][--reference=<reference file or directory> ][--version][file or directory...] Parameter Description -c or --changes works like the "-v" parameter, but only returns the changed part. -f or --quiet or --silent does not display an error message. -h or --no-dereference Modifies only the symbol-linked files without changing any other related files. -R or --recursive Recursive processing, all files and subdirectories under the specified directory are processed together. -v or --verbose Displays the instruction execution process. --help Online help. --reference=<reference file or directory> Sets the group to which the specified file or directory belongs to be the same as the group to which the reference file or directory belongs. --version Displays version information. Instance Example 1: Changing the group properties of a file: Chgrp -v bin log2012.log Output: [root@localhost test]# ll ---xrw-r-- 1 root root 302108 11-13 06:03 log2012.log [root@localhost test]# chgrp -v bin log2012.log The group of "log2012.log" has been changed to bin [root@localhost test]# ll ---xrw-r-- 1 root bin 302108 11-13 06:03 log2012.log Description: Change the log2012.log file from root group to bin group Example 2: Change the group attribute of a file according to the specified file Chgrp --reference=log2012.log log2013.log Output: [root@localhost test]# ll ---xrw-r-- 1 root bin 302108 11-13 06:03 log2012.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 61 11-13 06:03 log2013.log [root@localhost test]# chgrp --reference=log2012.log log2013.log [root@localhost test]# ll ---xrw-r-- 1 root bin 302108 11-13 06:03 log2012.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root bin 61 11-13 06:03 log2013.log Description: Change the group attribute of the file log2013.log so that the group attribute of the file log2013.log is the same as the group attribute of the reference file log2012.log. Command: chmod Linux/Unix file invocation permissions are divided into three levels: file owner, group, and others. Use chmod to control how files are called by others. Use rights All users Syntax format Chmod [-cfvR] [--help] [--version] mode file... Parameter Description Mode : The permission setting string has the following format: [ugoa...][[+-=][rwxX]...][,...] among them: u indicates the owner of the file, g indicates that the owner of the file belongs to the same group, o indicates someone other than the person, and a indicates that all three are. + means add permission, - means cancel permission, = means means unique set permission. r means readable, w means writable, x means executable, X means only if the file is a subdirectory or the file has been set to be executable. Other parameter description -c : If the file permissions have indeed changed, the change action is displayed. -f : Do not display an error message if the file permissions cannot be changed -v : Display details of permission changes -R : Make the same permission changes to all files and subdirectories in the current directory (ie, change them one by one in a recursive manner) --help : Show help instructions --version : display version Instance Make the file file1.txt set to be readable by everyone: Chmod ugo+r file1.txt Make the file file1.txt set to be readable by everyone: Chmod a+r file1.txt Set the file file1.txt and file2.txt to the owner of the file, and write to the same group as the group, but not others: Chmod ug+w, ow file1.txt file2.txt Set to only the file owner can execute: Chmod u+x Make all files and subdirectories under the current directory set to be readable by anyone: Chmod -R a+r * In addition, chmod can also use numbers to indicate permissions such as: Chmod 777 file The syntax is: Chmod abc file Where a, b, and c are each a number representing the permissions of User, Group, and Other. r=4, w=2, x=1 For the rwx attribute, 4+2+1=7; To rw-attribute then 4+2=6; For the rx attribute, 4+1=5. Chmod a=rwx file with Chmod 777 file The same effect Chmod ug=rwx,o=x file with Chmod 771 file The same effect If you use chmod 4755 filename, this program can have root privileges. Command: chown Linux/Unix is ​​a multiplayer operating system with all files owned by the owner. Use chown to change the owner of the specified file to the specified user or group. The user can be the user name or user ID; the group can be the group name or group ID; the file is a space-separated list of files to be changed, and wildcards are supported. . In general, this command is only used by the system administrator (root). The general user does not have permission to change someone else's file owner, and does not have permission to change their own file owner to someone else. Only the system administrator (root) has such permission. Use rights Root Syntax format Chown [-cfhvR] [--help] [--version] user[:group] file... Parameter Description User : the user ID of the new file owner Group : the user group of the new file owner (group) -c : display the change action if the owner of the file has indeed changed -f : Do not display an error message if the file owner cannot be changed -h : change only for the link, not the file that the link actually points to -v : Display details of owner changes -R : Make the same owner change for all files and subdirectories in the current directory (ie, change them one by one in a recursive manner) --help : Show help instructions --version : display version Instance Set the owner of the file file1.txt to the user jessie of the users group: Chown jessie:users file1.txt Set all files and subdirectories under the current directory to the user lamport of the users group: Chown -R lamport:users * Command: cksum The Linux cksum command is used to check if the CRC of the file is correct. Ensure that files are not corrupted as they are transferred from one system to another. The CRC is a troubleshooting method that is specified by CCITT and detects at least 99.998% of known errors. After the specified file is verified by the instruction "cksum", the instruction returns the verification result for the user to verify that the file is correct. If you do not specify any file name or the file name given is "-", the command "cksum" will read data from the standard input device. Syntax format Cksum [--help][--version][file...] Parameter Description --help: Online help. --version: Display version information. File...: File path to check Instance Use the command "cksum" to calculate the integrity of the file "testfile1" and enter the following command: $ cksum testfile1 After the above command is executed, the check code and other related information will be output. The specific output information is as follows: 1263453430 78 testfile1 //output information In the above output information, "1263453430" indicates a check code, and "78" indicates the number of bytes. Note: If any characters in the file are modified, the value of the calculated CRC will be changed. Command: cmp The Linux cmp command is used to compare two files for differences. When the two files being compared are identical, the instruction does not display any information. If a difference is found, the preset will indicate the character and column number of the first difference. If you do not specify any file name or the file name given is "-", the cmp command will read data from the standard input device. Syntax format Cmp [-clsv][-i <number of characters>][--help][first file][second file] Parameter Description -c or --print-chars In addition to the decimal code indicating the difference, the character corresponding to the character is displayed together. -i <number of characters> or --ignore-initial=<number of characters> Specify a number. -l or --verbose indicates all the different places. -s or --quiet or --silent does not display an error message. -v or --version displays version information. --help Online help. Instance To determine if the two files are the same, enter: Cmp prog.o.bak prog.o This compares prog.o.bak and prog.o. If the files are the same, no message is displayed. If the file is different, the first different location is displayed; for example: Prog.o.bak prog.o differ: char 4, line 1 If the message cmp: EOF on prog.o.bak is displayed, the first part of prog.o is the same as prog.o.bak, but there is additional data in prog.o. Command: diff The Linux diff command is used to compare file differences. Diff compares the similarities and differences of text files in a line-by-line manner. If you specify to compare directories, diff compares files with the same file name in the directory, but does not compare subdirectories. Syntax format Diff [-abBcdefHilnNpPqrstTuvwy][-<rows>][-C <rows>][-D <macro name>][-I <character or string>][-S <file>][-W < Width>][-x <file or directory>][-X <file>][--help][--left-column][--suppress-common-line][file or directory 1][file or directory 2] Parameter Description -<number of lines> Specifies how many lines of text to display. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the -c or -u parameters. -a or --text diff presets will only compare text files line by line. -b or --ignore-space-change does not check for differences in space characters. -B or --ignore-blank-lines does not check for blank lines. -c displays all text and marks the differences. -C<number of lines> or --context<number of lines> is the same as executing the "-c-<number of lines>" instruction. -d or --minimal uses a different algorithm to compare in smaller units. -D<macro set name> or ifdef<macro set name> The output format of this parameter can be used for the preprocessor macro. -e or --ed The output format of this parameter can be used for ed script files. The format of -f or -forward-ed is similar to the ed script file, but the differences are displayed in the order of the original files. -H or --speed-large-files Speeds up when comparing large files. -l<character or string> or --ignore-matching-lines<character or string> If two files differ in a certain number of lines, and these lines contain both the characters or strings specified in the options , the difference between the two files is not displayed. -i or --ignore-case does not check for differences in case. -l or --paginate The result is passed to the pr program for paging. -n or --rcs will display the comparison results in RCS format. -N or --new-file When comparing directories, if file A only appears in a directory, the default will display: Only in directory: If file A uses the -N parameter, diff compares file A with a blank file. -p If the file being compared is a C code file, the function name of the difference is displayed. -P or --unidirectional-new-file is similar to -N, but this file is compared to a blank file only if the second directory contains a file that is not in the first directory. -q or --brief only shows the difference, no detailed information is displayed. -r or --recursive Compare files in subdirectories. -s or --report-identical-files If no differences are found, the message is still displayed. -S<file> or --starting-file<file> When comparing directories, start comparisons from the specified file. -t or --expand-tabs Expands the tab character on output. -T or --initial-tab Add a tab character in front of each line for alignment. -u, -U<columns> or --unified=<columns> Display the differences in file contents in a combined manner. -v or --version displays version information. -w or --ignore-all-space ignores all space characters. -W<width> or --width<width> Specify the column width when using the -y parameter. -x<filename or directory> or --exclude<filename or directory> Do not compare the files or directories specified in the options. -X<file> or --exclude-from<file> You can save the file or directory type as a text file and then specify this text file in =<file>. -y or --side-by-side displays the similarities and differences of files in a side-by-side manner. --help Displays help. --left-column When using the -y parameter, if the contents of one line of the two files are the same, the content of the line is displayed only in the field on the left side. --suppress-common-lines When using the -y parameter, only the differences are shown. Instance Example 1: Comparing two files [root@localhost test3]# diff log2014.log log2013.log 3c3 < 2014-03 --- > 2013-03 8c8 < 2013-07 --- > 2013-08 11,12d10 < 2013-11 < 2013-12 The above "3c3" and "8c8" indicate that the log2014.log and log20143log files differ in the contents of lines 3 and 8; "11, 12d10" means that the first file has more lines 11 and 12 than the second file. . Example 2: Side-by-side format output [root@localhost test3]# diff log2014.log log2013.log -y -W 50 2013-01 2013-01 2013-02 2013-02 2014-03 | 2013-03 2013-04 2013-04 2013-05 2013-05 2013-06 2013-06 2013-07 2013-07 2013-07 | 2013-08 2013-09 2013-09 2013-10 2013-10 2013-11 < 2013-12 < [root@localhost test3]# diff log2013.log log2014.log -y -W 50 2013-01 2013-01 2013-02 2013-02 2013-03 | 2014-03 2013-04 2013-04 2013-05 2013-05 2013-06 2013-06 2013-07 2013-07 2013-08 | 2013-07 2013-09 2013-09 2013-10 2013-10 > 2013-11 > 2013-12 Description: "|" means that the contents of the two files are different before and after "<" means that the following file has 1 line less than the previous file. ">" indicates that the back file has one more line than the previous file. Command: diffstat The Linux diffstat command displays statistics based on the comparison of diff. Diffstat reads the output of diff, and then counts the difference metering of insert, delete, and modification of each file. Syntax format Diff [-wV][-n <file name length>][-p <file name length>] Parameter Description -n<filename length> Specifies the length of the file name. The specified length must be greater than or equal to the longest file name of all files. -p<filename length> Same as the -n parameter, but <filename length> here includes the path to the file. -w Specifies the width of the field at the time of output. -V Displays version information. Instance The user can also directly use "|" to directly output the result output by the diff command to the diffstat command for statistical result display. When using this directive, if the file or subdirectory being compared is not in the current directory, its full path should be used. Compare the file "testf.txt" with the same name under the directories "test1" and "test2" using the diff command. Then use the diffstat command to display the results statistically. Enter the following command: $ diff test1 test2 | diffstat #Statistic display of comparison results Note: This command makes it easy to implement the function of statistical display. For viewing the contents of the file, the user can view it by instructing "cat", as follows: $ cat test1/testf.txt #View the contents of test1/testf Abc Def Ghi Jkl Mno Pqr Stu Vws $ cat test2/testf.txt #View the contents of test2/testf Abc Def Ghi Jkl Mno From the above file content display, you can see the difference between the contents of the two files. Now run the previous command and display the results of the file comparison. The results are as follows: Testfile | 2 +- #statistical information output display 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) Command: file The Linux file command is used to identify the file type. Through the file command, we are able to identify the type of the file. Syntax format File [-bcLvz][-f <name file>][-m <magic digital file>...][file or directory...] Parameter Description -b When the identification result is listed, the file name is not displayed. -c Displays the instruction execution process in detail, making it easy to troubleshoot or analyze the execution of the program. -f<namefile> Specifies the name file. When the content has one or more file names, let file identify the files sequentially, in the format of one file name per column. -L Directly displays the category of the file pointed to by the symbolic link. -m<magic number file> Specifies the magic number file. -v Displays version information. -z Try to interpret the contents of the compressed file. [file or directory...] To determine the list of files of a type, separate spaces between multiple files, you can use shell wildcards to match multiple files. Instance Display file type: [root@localhost ~]# file install.log Install.log: UTF-8 Unicode text [root@localhost ~]# file -b install.log <== Do not display file names UTF-8 Unicode text [root@localhost ~]# file -i install.log <== Display MIME categories. Install.log: text/plain; charset=utf-8 [root@localhost ~]# file -b -i install.log Text/plain; charset=utf-8 File type showing symbolic links [root@localhost ~]# ls -l /var/mail Lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 08-13 00:11 /var/mail -> spool/mail [root@localhost ~]# file /var/mail /var/mail: symbolic link to `spool/mail' [root@localhost ~]# file -L /var/mail /var/mail: directory [root@localhost ~]# file /var/spool/mail /var/spool/mail: directory [root@localhost ~]# file -L /var/spool/mail /var/spool/mail: directory Command: find The Linux find command is used to find files in the specified directory. Any string that precedes the argument will be treated as the name of the directory to be looked up. If you do not set any parameters when using this command, the find command will look for subdirectories and files in the current directory. And the subdirectories and files found are all displayed. Syntax format Find path -option [ -print ] [ -exec -ok command ] {} ; Parameter Description Find evaluates path and expression according to the following rules. The first part of the command line is - ( ), ! The part before is path, followed by expression. Use the current path if path is an empty string, or use -print as the default expression if expression is an empty string. There are twenty or thirty options available in expression, so only the most common ones are covered here. -mount, -xdev : Only check and specify files in the same file system under the same file system, avoiding listing files in other file systems -amin n : has been read in the past n minutes -anewer file : A file that has been read later than the file file -atime n : files that have been read in the past n days -cmin n : has been modified in the past n minutes -cnewer file : file updated than file file -ctime n : modified files in the past n days -empty : empty file -gid n or -group name : gid is n or group name is name -ipath p, -path p : file with path name matching p, ipath ignores case -name name, -iname name : The file whose name matches the name. Iname ignores case -size n : The file size is n units, b is a block of 512 bytes, c is the number of characters, k is kilo bytes, and w is two bytes. -type c : A file whose file type is c. d: directory c: font device file b: block device file p: named storage f: general file l: symbolic link s: socket -pid n : file with process id is n You can use ( ) to separate the expressions and use the following operations. Exp1 -and exp2 ! expr -not expr Exp1 -or exp2 Exp1, exp2 Instance List all files with the extension c in the current directory and its subdirectories. # find . -name "*.c" List all the general files in the current directory under its subdirectory # find . -type f List all files updated in the current directory and its subdirectories in the last 20 days # find . -ctime -20 Look for ordinary files in the /var/logs directory that change time before 7th and ask them before deleting: $ find /var/logs -type f -mtime +7 -ok rm { } ; The file owner in the previous directory has read and write permissions, and the user of the group to which the file belongs and other users have read access: $ find . -type f -perm 644 -exec ls -l { } ; In order to find all common files in the system with a file length of 0, and list their full path: $ find / -type f -size 0 -exec ls -l { } ; Look for ordinary files in the /var/logs directory that change time before 7th and ask them before deleting: $ find /var/logs -type f -mtime +7 -ok rm { } ; Command: git The Linux git command is a file manager in text mode. Git is a program for managing files. It is very similar to Norton Commander under DOS and has an interactive interface. It works in much the same way as Norton Commander. Syntax format Git Instructions: F1: Execute the info command, query the instruction related information, and ask you to enter the name to be queried. F2: Execute the cat command to list the contents of the file. F3: Execute the gitview command to view the contents of the file. F4: Execute the vi command to edit the contents of the file. F5: Execute the cp command, copy the file or directory, and ask you to enter the target file or directory. F6: Executing the mv command, moving a file or directory, or changing its name will require you to enter the target file or directory. F7: Execute the mkdir command to create a directory. F8: Execute the rm command to delete files or directories. F9: When you execute the make command, you will be asked to enter the relevant commands when executing the instructions or compiling the program. F10: Leave the git file administrator. Command: gitview The Linux gitview command is used to view the contents of a file, and it displays both hexadecimal and ASCII characters. Syntax format Gitview [-bchilv][file] Parameter Description -b Monochrome mode, does not use ANSI control code to display color. -c Color mode, using ANSI control codes to display colors. -h Online help. -i Shows where the gitview program is located. -l Does not use the previous display characters. -v Displays version information. Instance Use the command gitview to view the contents of the file "/home/rootlocal/demo.txt" in color mode and enter the following command: $ gitview -c /home/rootlocal/demo.txt #Use the gitview command to view the specified file contents Command: indent The Linux indent command is used to adjust the format of the C source code file. Indent recognizes the original code file of C and formats it for the programmer to read. Syntax format Indent [parameter][source file] or indent [parameter][source file][-o target file] Parameter Description -bad or --blank-lines-after-declarations in the declaration section or add a blank line. -bap or --blank-lines-after-procedures in the program or add a blank line. -bbb or --blank-lines-after-block-comments Add a blank line after the comment section. -bc or --blank-lines-after-commas In the declaration section, a line break if a comma appears. -bl or --braces-after-if-line if (or else, for, etc.) is different from the "{" of the following execution section, and "}" is a line. -bli<indentation grid> or --brace-indent<indentation grid> Set the number of grids for { } indentation. -br or --braces-on-if-line if (or else, for, etc.) is different from the "{" that executes the subsequent paragraph, and "}" is a line. -bs or --blank-before-sizeof A space after sizeof. -c<number of columns> or --comment-indentation<number of columns> Place the comment in the field specified on the right side of the program code. -cd<number of columns> or --declaration-comment-column<number of columns> Place the comment in the field specified on the right side of the statement. -cdb or --comment-delimiters-on-blank-lines The comment symbol is on its own line. -ce or --cuddle-else Places else after "}" (the end of the if execution section). -ci<indentation grid> or --continuation-indentation<indentation grid> When the description is too long and the line is changed, specify the number of grids to be indented after the line feed. -cli<indentation grid> or --case-indentation-<indentation grid> The number of grids indented by the switch when using case. -cp<number of columns> or -else-endif-column<number of columns> Place the comment in the field to the right of the else and elseif statements. -cs or --space-after-cast is empty after the cast. -d<indented grid> or -line-comments-indentation<indentation grid> Sets the number of indented grids for comments that are not placed to the right of the program code. -di<number of columns> or --declaration-indentation<number of columns> Places the variable of the declared section in the specified field. -fc1 or --format-first-column-comments Formats the comments placed at the very beginning of each line. -fca or --format-all-comments Sets the format of all comments. -gnu or --gnu-style Specifies the format to use GNU, which is the default. -i<number> or --indent-level<number> Sets the number of indented cells. -ip<number of cells> or --parameter-indentation<number> Sets the number of indented cells of the parameter. -kr or --k-and-r-style specifies the format to use Kernighan&Ritchie. -lp or --continue-at-parentheses When the narrative is too long and wraps, and the brackets are included in the narrative, the contents of the starting field of each line in the brackets are arranged vertically. -nbad or --no-blank-lines-after-declarations Do not add a blank line after the section is declared. -nbap or --no-blank-lines-after-procedures Do not add blank lines after the program. -nbbb or --no-blank-lines-after-block-comments Do not add a blank line after the comment section. -nbc or --no-blank-lines-after-commas In the declaration section, do not wrap even if a comma appears. -ncdb or --no-comment-delimiters-on-blank-lines The comment symbols should not be on a line. -nce or --dont-cuddle-else Do not put else after "}". -ncs or --no-space-after-casts Don't leave a space after the cast. -nfc1 or --dont-format-first-column-comments Do not format comments placed at the very front of each line. -nfca or --dont-format-comments Do not format any comments. The -nip or --no-parameter-indentation parameters are not indented. -nlp or --dont-line-up-parentheses When the narrative is too long and wraps, and the brackets are included in the narrative, the starting field of each line in the brackets is not arranged vertically. -npcs or --no-space-after-function-call-names Do not add spaces after the name of the function being called. -npro or --ignore-profile Do not read the indent configuration file -npsl or --dont-break-procedure-type The program type is on the same line as the program name. -nsc or --dont-star-comments Note Do not put an asterisk (*) on the left side. -nsob or --leave-optional-semicolon Don't handle extra blank lines. -nss or --dont-space-special-semicolon If there is only one row in the for or while section, no spaces are added before the semicolon. -nv or --no-verbosity does not display detailed information. -orig or --original uses the Berkeley format. -pcs or --space-after-procedure-calls Add a space between the called function name and "{". The -psl or --procnames-start-lines program type is placed in the previous line of the program name. -sc or --start-left-side-of-comments Add an asterisk (*) to the left of each line of comments. -sob or --swallow-optional-blank-lines Delete extra blank lines. -ss or --space-special-semicolon If there is a line in the for or swile section, precede the semicolon with a space. -st or --standard-output displays the results on a standard output device. -T Data type name indentation. -ts<grid> or --tab-size<grid> Set the length of the tab. -v or --verbose Displays detailed information when executed. -version Displays version information. Indent code formatting instructions Furniture Sofa And Mattress Staple Zhejiang Best Nail Industrial Co., Ltd. , Indent parameter used Value Meaning --blank-lines-after-declarations Bad Add a blank line after the variable declaration --blank-lines-after-procedures Bap Add a blank line after the function ends --blank-lines-before-block-comments Bbb Add a blank line before the block comment --break-before-boolean-operator Bbo Longer rows, before the logical operator --blank-lines-after-commas Nbc Comma-separated variables do not branch in variable declarations --braces-after-if-line Bl "if" and "{" do two lines --brace-indent 0 Bli0 "{" does not continue to indent --braces-after-struct-decl-line Bls Define structure, "struct" and "{" branches --comment-indentationn C33 Post-statement comments begin at line 33 --declaration-comment-columnn Cd33 The comment after the variable declaration begins at line 33 --comment-delimiters-on-blank-lines Ncdb Do not turn single-line comments into block comments --cuddle-do-while Ncdw "while" of "do --- while" and "}" in front of it --cuddle-else Nnce "else" and its "}" in front of it --case-indentation 0 Cli0 0 spaces in the case statement in the switch --else-endif-columnn Cp33 #else, The comment after #endif starts at line 33 --space-after-cast Cs Add a space after the type conversion --line-comments-indentation n D0 Single line comment (not starting from 1 column), not indented to the left --break-function-decl-args Nbfda Close: the function's arguments are one line --declaration-indentationn Di2 Variable declaration, the variable starts at 2 lines, that is, it does not have to be aligned --format-first-column-comments Nfc1 Do not format comments from the first line --format-all-comments Nfca Do not turn on all formatted annotation switches --honour-newlines Hnl Prefer to break long lines at the position of newlines in the input. --indent-leveln I4 Set how many characters to indent, if it is an integer multiple of tab, use tab to indent, otherwise fill with spaces. --parameter-indentationn Ip5 The parameter description in the old style function definition indents 5 spaces --line-length 75 L75 Non-comment line up to 75 --continue-at-parentheses Lp The continuation line starts from the parentheses that appear in the previous line. --space-after-procedure-calls Pcs Insert a space between the function and "(" --space-after-parentheses Nprs Do not insert spaces before "("after")" --procnames-start-lines Psl Put the function name and return type in two lines --space-after-for Saf There is a space after for --space-after-if Sai If there is a space after the if --space-after-while Saw There is a space after the while --start-left-side-of-comments Nsc Do not add * to the generated block comment --swallow-optional-blank-lines Nsob Do not remove the blank lines that can be added --space-special-semicolon Nss A for or while statement in a line is not added before ";". --tab-size Ts4 A tab is 4 spaces (to divisible "-in") --use-tabs Ut Use tab to indent