Tridonic will provide LED light source energy efficiency index

From now on, Tridonic will provide an energy efficiency index for all LED light sources. This means that Tridonic has met the implementation requirements of the EU Directive 874/2012. The 874/2012 directive will come into effect in September this year, which requires all luminaires and light sources to be labeled with energy efficiency labels.

As of September 1, 2013, all light sources must be labeled with energy efficiency labels; as of March 1, 2014, all lamps must be labeled with energy efficiency labels.

In the case of luminaires, the energy efficiency label is not related to the energy efficiency of the luminaire, but rather to the efficiency of the bulb or LED module as a light source in the luminaire. Therefore, the luminaire manufacturer must provide this information to the end customer.

Tridonic is adding energy efficiency levels to the technical data sheets of the TALEXX LED module series, making it easier for luminaire manufacturers to meet the new EU directives. Therefore, Tridonic has met the requirements of this directive - but there is currently no plan to label energy-efficient labels on products.

High Current Inductor

220Uh Inductor,High Current Inductor,Power Inductor,Toroidal Core Inductor